
Hip pocket class: Gut Check

If one Googles the term "Gut Check" the definition that comes up is as follows:

Main Entry: gut check
Part of Speech: n
Definition: a test of one's nerve, courage, or determination
Example: It is gut-check time for corporate America.
Usage: gut-check adj

While I find this Example of the term ridiculous, the definition seems ok. I think another way to explain what a GUT CHECK is might be to say its undertaking any task, event or mission that you very well might NOT be able to succeed at, but you are going to die trying. Its an honest to goodness test of ones mental fortitude and your ability to keep going forward no matter what happens.

Its Discomfort.

Its Pain.

Its the Moment of truth.

"Do I quit or do I keep going?" "Do I deal with this pain and drive on or do I sit down and feel sorry for myself?" Thats a GUT CHECK.

If you still feel a bit fuzzy allow me to give some examples.
-The Iron Man= Gut check
-BUD/S= Gut Check
-Fast Roping into a potentially hot LZ= Gut check
-Ranger School= Gut Check
-Badwater 135= Gut Check
-RAAM= Gut Check
-Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane hoping your parachute deploys= Gut Check
-Climbing into a ring or steel cage to knuckle up with someone intent on hurting you= Gut Check
-ANYTHING where you put yourself or a piece of you out in the spotlight and you say "Bring it"
-USMC West Coast Sniper School= Gut Check

The list goes on and on. For different people it can be different things. Its facing ones fears, looking IT, whatever IT is for you, right in the eye and saying "Quit? Fuck that."

If you have never tried this, I recommend you do. Its a great feeling when you do something, complete something that you thought was impossible. Push yourself and test your limits, the limits of your HEART and SOUL.

Thats Gut Check, thats all it is.