

Last night was Magnum 20 at Korakuen hall. I attended with friends to support some fellas from my gym, Ihara Dojo.
The event was a success and sold out to boot. Kitamura Mokoto won his fight again through supreme fitness and an almost non-stop assault. I heard several people comment that it was the fight of the night.
The last fight of the night however was Ikeda, and he won the Title via judges decision.
Although these warriors are not associated with Plan-B, they are doing what needs to be done and that gets me pumped.

So I had these events on my mind when I got on my bike and cycled to the park for my thrice weekly AM highend cardio pain festival. It was sunny and hot this morning but the humidity wasnt so bad. finally...the rainy season seems to be going away.
Although my legs were heavy today and I was clearly missing the spring in my step I had Saturday I powered through the steps, the plyos, the pushups, the suicides....more plyos and then cooled down with 15 minutes of shadow boxing.

After ward I took a moment and looked around the park...I was covered in sweat, hot, and was jugging my post workout Carbo pro when I had to stop and take notice of the trees, the sun and just the relaxed feeling. Its rare to get a slow moment in a city like Tokyo but with my body battered and bike ride home waiting for me I really felt again that only after really thrashing myself physically does anything seem to be worth a shit at all.

Im addicted not only to exercise but to just being out THERE. I cant find myself sitting inside or just going to an office. Looking at the numbers in a bank account or shopping for electronics doesnt tell me anything about who ERIC BARNES is. So thats how I have to live my life. Outside doing it.

Having such an amazing place to train doesnt hurt either....

Now its 1730. My legs are wore out and my knees are stiff but I have to wrap this up because my coach will be looking for me at the gym in 30 minutes. At least mentally, Im Pumped.

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