
Rapid weight loss, extreme diet

It is time for me to lose weight.
I no longer desire to be a heavy weight fighter anymore (light heavy looks real good lately) and that in conjunction with my rising interest in endurance sports has all culminated in me deciding that yes, it is time for a diet.

I have received lots of questions from friends and even emails and inquiries from people I dont know via this blog and my website regarding weight loss. Particularly rapid weight loss.
I have about 15 years of experience in the health and fitness industry in various positions and I think that my own "Yo-Yo" Roller coaster metabolic condition makes me someone uniquely qualified to
1: Put forth some diet and exercise principles (I say principles because I dislike the word "tips", it makes it seem like its easy or cheap or cheating and none of that works when real weight loss is concerned)
2: Address some of the problems and difficulties of maintaining a somewhat strict regimen for rapid weight loss by performing the regimen myself and
3: Help identify the reasons why some of us are over weight or down right FAT and how does one get motivated to change. Also, How do you lose weight yet maintain your motivation for intense exercise?

OK, that having been said I will outline the plan so to speak.

First, I wont be eating a whole lot.

I don't believe in counting calories. Not in the long term anyway. In the beginning it might make sense if you find that you have absolutely no handle on how much energy whatever your consuming is giving you. One good example I have seen is and aquintance of mine I will call "Laurie". I meet Laurie socially from time to time because we have some of the same friends. Although we are not close and do not talk for more than 10 minutes at Check Spellinga stetch, I have had her bring up her weight issues (She is big. "Plump" by American standards, clearly obese by japanese standards) something like 20 times in the 3 years Ive known her. Often enough, she is moaning and groaning on and on about it while she nurses a TGI Fridays Grande Margarita.
(Im guessing about 350-400 kcal a pop in those bad boys and she drinks 2). Read a great article about liquid calories and there role in obesety here: BEER AND SODA MAKES ME FAT?!?!

I have watched her food choices and liquid choices and in a sitting she probably consumes about 1000-1500 calories on a friday evening at TGI. Lets be generous and say she only had a light breakfast and sparse lunch totally only 800 calories. Maybe a...mocha frappucino after lunch for 210 calories and than after TGI, at the next bar she drinks a couple beers for 400 additional calories.

So thats what? about 3,700 calories consumed in one day by a woman that leads a very sedentary lifestyle and she cant figure out how to lose some weight.

Its a mystery.

Its an enigma.

Its a mystery shrowded in an enigma.

Its wait....got it I got it....Its DNA!!!

No. All of these answers are wrong. They are all excuses.
Its poor nutritional choices coupled with an unnatural, unhealthy lifestyle.

I really am a big believer in the idea that human beings were designed to walk/run 40 miles a day and stalk live game in the jungle or forest. Our bodies have not evolved or changed enough for us to just sit around punching on keyboards while stuffing our faces with whatever we can get our hands on. Our physical shells malfunction and mentally we go hay wire. So this leads me to the second big secret in my plan, I WILL BE TRAINING LIKE A MADMAN.

I have been walking around as a Heavy weight for quite some time and I am beginning to feel the side effects of it. Time to change up.

So I will be posting daily updates (for the most part) about my diet, my weight and my activity levels for the next month while I drop 44 pounds.

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