
Rapid weight loss, log 1

Today is August 12th.

For the un-initiated I decided to start dropping weight two days ago.
My primary motivation is...well....two fold. I need to drop out of the Heavy weight bracket for kickboxing, and I just am tired of feeling heavy and lugging all this around on long runs and just normal day to day activities.

So the update.

The morning of the 10th I weighed in at 109 kilos.
That's about 240 lbs.
gross. Its hard hitting but I don't need it.
That afternoon I went cycling, 1:49:00. total 28 miles.
I kept my intake very low all day.

The morning of the 11th I weighed in at 106.4 kilos. 234.5 lbs.
I did my PT (body weight strength training routine) in the AM and had a brisk 3 mile run in the afternoon. 21:10 pace.
I kept my intake low but drank alot of fluids. water and sport drink and I had a large salad in the evening.

Today I weigh 106.2 kilos. 234.1 lbs.
I will be cycling at lunch. I also plan to run in the evening.

I feel fine. In fact I feel good. I like waking up with an empty stomach. Its refreshing.
More updates in the near future.

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